Friday, 22 February 2019

How Can You Increase Longevity of Your Tractor Tyres?

Tractor tyres, just like any other tyre, will not be able to function optimally without a proper maintenance schedule. No matter how high quality they are, the longevity of your tractor’s tyres depends on correct application and usage.
As replacing tyres is a fairly expensive and a not-too-fun procedure, making the most out of your current ones is the best option for you. And for that, here are some of the practices and checks you need to perform.
Tyre Pressure
Make sure that tyres are inflated with the accurate pressure. You need to check the inflation on a daily basis or at least once a week. Make sure it is as per manufacturer recommendations.
Over-inflation can severely damage tyres and can cause soil compaction, harmful for farming. Once the tyre pressure is too high, they don’t absorb shock which pressurises the rubber more. This impacts the brakes of a tractor and makes the tyres more susceptible to cuts and bruises.
On the other hand, low tyre pressure can cause unbalanced wear and sidewall damages. Your tractor’s fuel usage also increases if it runs on under-inflated tyres.
Pressure Facts
20% under-inflation: Approximately 26% tyre performance loss.
20% over-inflation: Approximately 30% tyre performance loss.
Note: Always measure tyre pressure when it is cold, before the tractor starts rolling or after it was left idle.
Carrying Or Towing Capacity
Overloading is one of the biggest mistakes users often make. Ensuring the carrying capacity of the tyres is crucial. Determine the vehicle's weight as well as the weight of the tow.
Ensure if the tyres are suited for its application. Tyres are produced, tested and guaranteed for specific tasks and terrains. Tyres function to their maximum capacity if they are used for their specified purpose properly.
Know When To Replace
Inspect your tyres regularly for any cuts, cracks and wear. If a tyre is worn out beyond 80% or has significant cuts on its sidewalls, replace them by buying new Mitas Tractor Tyres online or offline from Terry Elsey Tyres. Let them help you with a wide range of services including supertracker wheel alignment, exhaust services, wheel balancing, etc.
Drive Smoothly
Adopt proper driving habits; avoid sharp turns and sudden braking to prevent any undue stress on the tyres.
You need to follow correct procedures while installing or removing a tyre. Make sure the bead of a tyre is positioned correctly on the rim, measure if the width between the tyre and the vehicle is correct.
Stay Away From Chemicals
Tractors are often exposed to various chemicals, including field composts. Keep in mind that the rubber of the tyres absorbs certain chemicals more than the other. So, cleaning them regularly is crucial. There are, however, specific tractor tyres with self-cleaning from brands such as Mitas, Vredestein, BKT Tractor Tyres, etc.
Wheel Alignment
Incorrect wheel alignment are the most common cause of irregular tyre wear. It also increases the fuel consumption of your tractor. If your wheels are not correctly aligned, you will know it by wear pattern of front tyres. Spot the symptoms early and have the wheels aligned.
Following the above regime can help your tractor tyres better. Inspect them regularly and fix the problems at an early stage (if any). And for any complex repair processes, consult a tyre specialist.

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